Illuminating Advent

There are times in all of our lives when we experience the illuminating presence of God. When He reveals Himself in a new way and we are left facing a choice about whether or not to step out in faith. We can go His way, we can go our own, or we can stall, refusing to make any decision at all (which, of course, is still a decision).

These can be stressful and unstable periods in our lives. Yet, biblically, we are in good company during these moments. From Noah’s decision to build the ark to Abraham’s willingness to journey into an unknown land to Mary’s astounding words of surrender, “May it be done to me according to your will,” we walk in the footsteps of countless people who wrestled with whether or not to accept the risky invitations of God.

These invitations present important opportunities for spiritual growth, following a predictable pattern. A revelation of God invites a response that requires a step of faith.

This study is designed for those who are seeking spiritual transformation. Daily scripture readings from the book of Exodus can be used for personal meditation, while the weekly discussion-based, small group curriculum explores Mary’s response to God’s invitation to bear His Son into the world. The personal and small group curriculum can be used together or as separate offerings.

Week # 1: Illumination

John 1:4-5 tells us, “In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

Advent is a time of preparation for the birth of Jesus, who comes as Life and Light for our dark and broken world. This week we will be considering the Old Testament darkness into which God shined as a burning bush, as well as the New Testament darkness into which the Angel Gabriel revealed the news of Jesus’s imminent birth.

Week # 2: Invitation

Moses and Mary both face a difficult decision about whether or not to partner with God in the work He is planning to do in the world. God’s risky invitations could lead both of them to an untimely death — Moses for murder and Mary for supposed adultery.

Week # 3: Response

How do we respond to the risky invitations of God?

This week we will explore the stories of how Moses and Mary respond to God’s call on their lives with a mixture of awe, fear, insecurity, and incredulity.

Week # 4: First Steps

Stepping out in faith is a daunting experience. If we focus on the big picture from the start, our fears and insecurities can easily overwhelm us. Instead, often the best way forward is a simple first step in the direction we know to go, trusting that God will provide our next step when we need it.

This week we will be reading about the first steps taken by Moses and Mary in response to God’s call on their lives.