Week #1

Small Group Discussion


John 1:4-5 tells us, “In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

Advent is a time of preparation for the birth of Jesus, who comes as Life and Light for our dark and broken world. This week we will be considering the New Testament darkness into which the Angel Gabriel revealed the news of Jesus’s imminent birth.

Scripture Reading for Discussion: Luke 1:26-38

Opening Question:

What part of this passage stands out most to you?

Core Question 1:

How are God’s people experiencing a time of darkness? How do you think Mary is personally experiencing that darkness?

Core Question 2:

The fact that the angel ‘went’ rather than ‘came’ reminds us that God is the main focus of this scripture. What is God revealing about Himself and His plan?

Core Question 3:

According to David Benner in Desiring God:

“Our assent to God’s will is the means of our participation in God’s cosmic restoration agenda through his reign of love. God loves so much that He wants to transform all people and all things by love.”

How do you feel about the idea that we are invited to participate in God’s “cosmic restoration agenda” for the world? How big of a role do you believe we as humans play in God’s plans?

Concluding Question:

What is God revealing to you about Himself and His plan for your life?