Week #4

Personal Study

Moses and Aaron take their first steps in obedience to God’s plan. Going before the Israelite elders, they speak God’s message and perform His signs. The Israelites initially respond with belief and worship. But things get worse before they get better with Pharaoh, and the Israelites’ attitude soon changes to one of fear and anger.

Day 1

Read Exodus 4:27-31

  • What does God reveal about His plan to Aaron and the Israelite elders?

  • What are the Israelite elders invited to do? How do they respond?

  • What do you think it says about the Israelites that their first step is to bow down and worship God?

Day 2

Read Exodus 5:1-4

  • What do Moses and Aaron ask Pharaoh?

  • What two reasons does Pharaoh give for denying their request?

  • What do you think Pharaoh is thinking and feeling during his meeting with Moses and Aaron?

Day 3

Read Exodus 5:5-14

  • What order does Pharaoh give after his meeting with Moses and Aaron?

  • What reasons do you think Pharaoh has for giving this order?

  • How would you have felt about Pharaoh’s order if you were:

    • Moses and Aaron

    • The elders

    • The Israelite people

Day 4

Read Exodus 5:15-19

  • What difficult position are the Israelite overseers in?

  • What do you think the overseers were expecting to happen when they went to talk to Pharaoh?

  • When have you found yourself in what seemed like an impossibly difficult situation?

Day 5

Read Exodus 5:20-23

  • What do the Israelite overseers say to Moses and Aaron?

  • Does this seem like a fair accusation? Why or why not?

  • How do you think Moses and Aaron are feeling at this point?

Day 6

Read Exodus 6:1-9

  • What promise does God make to Moses about the Israelite people?

  • How do the Israelites respond to God’s promise this time? How does their response compare to their earlier response in Exodus 4:31.

  • Why do you think the Israelites respond so differently this time?

Day 7

Read Exodus 6:10-30

  • What reasons does Moses give for not wanting to go to Pharaoh again?

  • Can you think of any other reasons why Moses might be hesitating?

  • How do you think Moses, Aaron, and the Israelite elders are feeling after having taken these first steps in response to God’s plan?

To Be Continued…

A first step of faith does not guarantee God’s immediate, miraculous intervention on our behalf. Instead, as in the case of the Israelites, our first steps may initially lead us into even more troubled circumstances and ultimately propel us onto long and arduous journeys.

But we are guaranteed this—we never journey alone.

The Lent, continue on with Moses and the Israelites as they embark on their exodus from Egypt.