Week #1
Personal Study
This week we will explore the historical setting into which Moses was born and later called by God. Pay special attention to any darkness, lostness, or confusion—both in Moses’s personal life and in Egyptian society as a whole. Also, notice how this week’s readings end with the hope of Light shining into the darkness.
Day 1
Read Exodus 1:1-14
How do the Egyptians mistreat the Israelites?
How do you think fear influences the Egyptians’ behavior?
How does fear contribute to our own struggles against hate, unforgiveness, greed, and doubt?
Day 2
Read Exodus 1:15-22
What further injustice do the Egyptians commit against the Israelites?
What do Shiphrah and Puah decide to do? What do you think their decision could have cost them?
When have you made the decision to do the right thing, even when it could cost you?
Day 3
Read Exodus 2:1-10
What part does each of these women play in delivering Moses?
Pharaoh’s daughter
Pharaoh’s daughter’s attendants
When have you participated in an act of love or kindness on someone else’s behalf?
Day 4
Read Exodus 2:11-14
Why do you think Moses did what he did?
Although Moses’s intentions might have been good, what was wrong with his method and timing?
Have you ever had a similar experience, when you went about doing something for God in the wrong way?
Day 5
Read Exodus 2:15-22
What things happen next in Moses’s story?
How do we see Moses continuing to live into the role of rescuer?
Can you relate to how Moses must have been feeling during his time in Midian?
Day 6
Read Exodus 2:23-25
What is life like for the Israelites in Egypt while Moses is in Midian?
How does God respond to their cries for help?
Day 7
Read Exodus 3:1-3
How do we see light shining into darkness in Moses’s life?
How have Moses’s experiences prepared him for this ‘burning bush’ moment?