Week #3
Personal Study
Moses responds to God’s call with a list of doubts, ultimately requesting that God choose someone else for the work. But God helps Moses to work through his fears and insecurities in order to move forward on the path God had chosen for his life.
Day 1
Read Exodus 4:1-4
What doubt does Moses express?
How does God respond to Moses’s doubt?
Why do you think God has Moses play an active part in the miracle He performs?
Day 2
Read Exodus 4:6-9
What other two signs does God give Moses to perform?
How would you feel at this point if you were Moses?
Day 3
Read Exodus 4:10-12
Why does Moses say he is unqualified to do this specific work for God?
What is God’s response?
Have you ever felt like Moses, like God had given you a job for which you were not qualified?
Day 4
Read Exodus 4:13-17
What does Moses say that makes God angry?
What solution does God offer to this problem?
What problems might be caused by having two leaders instead of only Moses? What benefits could it bring?
Day 5
Read Exodus 4:18-19
What first step does Moses take?
What other ways could Jethro have responded to Moses’s decision to return to Egypt?
What reasons might we have for holding people back from responding to God’s invitations in their lives?
Day 6
Read Exodus 4:20
What does Moses take along with him on the journey back to Egypt?
Does it seem like a good idea for Moses to take his family with him?
How do you think his wife and sons felt about God’s plan? Why?
Day 7
Read Exodus 4:21-23
What new information do we learn about what Moses is to say to Pharaoh?
How do you think Pharaoh is going to react to Moses’s message?
Have you ever had a similar experience when you’ve had to speak up for God, even though you knew it would make you uncomfortable or unpopular?