Week #2

Personal Study

This week, we explore the burning bush moment in Moses’s life, when God invites Moses to partner with Him in the seemingly impossible work of freeing the Israelite people from slavery in Egypt.

Day 1

Read Exodus 3:1-6

  • What is the sequence of events in this passage?

  • Why do you think God waits to speak until after Moses has ‘gone over to look?’

  • When have you set aside your plans to move in a different direction with God?

Day 2

Read Exodus 3:7-9

  • What does God tell Moses He is planning to do?

  • What would a land flowing with milk and honey look like to you? (Physically, relationally, and spiritually)

Day 3

Read Exodus 3:10-12

  • What work does God invite Moses to partner with Him in accomplishing?

  • What might make Moses nervous about doing this work for God?

  • Why doesn’t the sign God gives to Moses in verse 12 seem helpful?

Day 4

Read Exodus 3:13-15

  • What does God say His name is?

  • Why do you think it was helpful for God to get Moses’s eyes focused on who He is?

  • Personally, how do you describe who God is to you?

Day 5

Read Exodus 3:16-17

  • What first step does God invite Moses to take?

  • Why do you think God sends Moses to the elders first?

  • Have you ever had a similar experience, when you had an enormous task ahead of you, but God only gave you one step at a time?

Day 6

Read Exodus 3:18-20

  • What was Moses supposed to request from Pharaoh?

  • How do you think the story would have been different if Pharaoh had agreed to this first request?

Day 7

Read Exodus 3:21-22

  • What are the Israelites supposed to do when they leave Egypt?

  • How do these instructions make God’s plan seem even more impossible?