These retreat materials focus on coming away to be refreshed by streams of Living Water. They can be adapted to any length of retreat.


We all have to leave something behind in order to come away on retreat. We leave families, jobs, and other responsibilities of daily life. This opening is designed to help attendees begin to release the busyness, worry, and distraction they carry, in order to sit by still waters.

Gathering Breakout

Opportunity to process our inner and outer condition as we enter this time of retreat.

Opening Worship

Begin time together with praise and thanksgiving for God’s presence and goodness through past chapters of life. Rejoice in the opportunity to sit down beside still waters to be refreshed by His presence through Word, song, and community.

Teaching Session #1

“As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants after You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. ” - Psalm 42:1

A teaching on the Psalm 42

Small Group Breakout #1

An opportunity to sit by the well.

Teaching Session #2

An exploration of the Psalms as an ancient hymn book and way to express our deepest needs and longings to God.

Small Group Breakout #2

An exercise in personalizing the praying of the Psalms.

Teaching Session #3

“Jesus answered her, ‘If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.’” - John 4:10

A teaching on the quenching of spiritual thirst.

Closing Worship

Close time together with praise and thanksgiving for this time of retreat. Share testimonies of God’s goodness and experiences at the well of Living Water. Be encouraged to water cooler ministry, being eyes, ears, hands, feet, and heart of Christ in our everyday deserts.

Personal Devotionals