Teaching #1

Pattern of the Psalms

“As the deer panteth for the water, so my soul longeth after thee.”  Psalm 42 (NIV)

History of David’s life - both overview of past and details of present conditions

  • Shepherd - Youngest son of family

    • Lives in the wild, protecting sheep from bear and lions

  • Anointed as king at a young age (1 Samuel 16:1-13)

    • Prophet Samuel: God sees David’s heart rather than outer appearance

  • Defeats Goliath as a teenager (1 Samuel 17)

    • Defends God’s glory, relies on God’s power, and uses past training and experience of fighting animals

  • Employed by King Saul (1 Samuel 18)

    • Musician and later military commander

  • Close relationship with Saul’s family (1 Samuel 18)

    • Close friendship with Jonathan, married to Michal

  • Hunted in the wilderness (1 Samuel 19-27)

    • King Saul’s jealousy

    • David’s father’s family and social misfits join him, allies with Philistines for awhile

    • Could have killed Saul twice but refuses to touch God’s anointed king

Relate to Psalm 42

  • Words of fear and disappointment

  • Anointed as king, but being hunted by the king instead

  • Served King Saul faithfully as musician and army commander, but Saul is trying to kill him

  • Could have killed Saul twice, but refuses to touch God’s anointed, but Saul feels no such qualms

Pattern of Psalm 42 (And many others)

  • Pour out heart and feelings to God in prayer (pain, fear, joy, etc.)

  • Turning eyes toward Him in the midst of life’s pain and challeges

  • Lift voice in praise

Follow Teaching with Breakout Session #1