Teaching #1
Pattern of the Psalms
“As the deer panteth for the water, so my soul longeth after thee.” Psalm 42 (NIV)
History of David’s life - both overview of past and details of present conditions
Shepherd - Youngest son of family
Lives in the wild, protecting sheep from bear and lions
Anointed as king at a young age (1 Samuel 16:1-13)
Prophet Samuel: God sees David’s heart rather than outer appearance
Defeats Goliath as a teenager (1 Samuel 17)
Defends God’s glory, relies on God’s power, and uses past training and experience of fighting animals
Employed by King Saul (1 Samuel 18)
Musician and later military commander
Close relationship with Saul’s family (1 Samuel 18)
Close friendship with Jonathan, married to Michal
Hunted in the wilderness (1 Samuel 19-27)
King Saul’s jealousy
David’s father’s family and social misfits join him, allies with Philistines for awhile
Could have killed Saul twice but refuses to touch God’s anointed king
Relate to Psalm 42
Words of fear and disappointment
Anointed as king, but being hunted by the king instead
Served King Saul faithfully as musician and army commander, but Saul is trying to kill him
Could have killed Saul twice, but refuses to touch God’s anointed, but Saul feels no such qualms
Pattern of Psalm 42 (And many others)
Pour out heart and feelings to God in prayer (pain, fear, joy, etc.)
Turning eyes toward Him in the midst of life’s pain and challeges
Lift voice in praise
Follow Teaching with Breakout Session #1