Teaching #3

Jesus At The Well

Scripture Reading: John 4:1-42

Discussion Set-Up

  • A circular seating arrangement works best

  • Begin with reading the scripture passage aloud. Then provide several minutes for silent meditation on the passage.

  • Go around the room asking everyone to answer the opening question to ease into the discussion. Then discuss freely as led.

Discussion Questions

  • Opening Question: What word or phrase stands out most to you?

  • Core Question #1: What do we learn about Jesus from what we see and hear Him doing in this story?

  • Core Question #2: What evidence of thirst do you see in this passage? How are the people trying to quench their thirst (physical/social/emotional/spiritual)? What other methods do people use to try to quench their thirst?

  • Core Question #3: What are some images from creation or stories from the past that come to your mind when you hear the word thirst? What spiritual lessons or symbolism could we see in them? For example:

    • Creation - A dehydrated plant becomes droopy because there isn’t enough water pressure pushing against the inside of the cell wall to keep it rigid.

      • Lesson: We need periodic spiritual refreshment to stay strong in our life and purpose.)

    • History - Someone shipwrecked in a lifeboat surrounded by water that they cannot drink without becoming more dehydrated. Drinking ‘salt water’ can actually increase spiritual dehydration.

      • Lesson: Not all water is equally beneficial.

  • Closing Question: What does Jesus’s offer of living water mean to you right now in your life? How do you want to respond to Him?