Gathering Breakout

Discussion Questions

A Dry Land

  • What heat have you been experiencing?

    • Enter the coolness of retreat.

  • What winds have been relentlessly blowing?

    • Enter the calm of retreat.

  • What mountain might you be in the shadow of?

    • Enter the place of retreat.

A Parched Soul

  • What strenuous work have you been doing?

    • Enter the rest of retreat.

  • What anxiety have you been facing?

    • Enter the peace of retreat.

Living Water

  • Write your individual concerns, worries, or anxieties on rocks

  • Bring these difficulties and place around a central location (possibly an indoor fountain) for the duration of the retreat

  • Worship space can be used as a quiet space to linger as long as you need

  • Intercessors will be praying for you during this time and are available to pray with you as well.