Opening Worship
Praise & Thanksgiving
Psalm 42 reading and singing As the Deer
Celebrating Our Arrival
Optional: Performance of special music, dance, monologue, or skit
Celebrate God’s faithfulness in leading us on the journey so far
Celebrate God’s love inviting us to oasis and meeting us here
Many of the Psalms were written by David. We can read his history in the books of Samuel, but we see his inner life of prayer in the psalms. He is called a ‘Man after God’s own heart’ because he leaned repeatedly toward God in trials, joys, accomplishments, and even heartbreak caused by his own sin.
We hope that this will be an experience of God’s presence for you. There is programming but attend as you feel led. Do not feel that anything is a requirement. Nap when you’re tired. Go for a walk or a run. Think of the schedule as more of a guideline. We only ask that you be aware of others needs as well. Guard against causing a distraction for others in sessions and reserve the chapel space for silence.
Follow Worship with Teaching #1: “Pattern of the Psalms”