These beach-themed retreat materials focus on rest, healing and reconciliation. They can be adapted to any length of retreat.


A time of gathering and welcome

Gathering Breakout

Opportunity to process the worries and distractions entering this time of retreat

Opening Worship

A time to gently notice the condition of our bodies and souls as we begin to settle into God’s presence

Teaching Session #1

A teaching on the inevitable pressure, mess, and unsteady footing we will face during our lives

Small Group Breakout #1

An opportunity to move across the messy and unstable sands of our lives in order to approach the water’s edge

Teaching Session #2

A group discussion of the Parable of the Prodigal Son and how it informs the reading of Jesus’s encounter with the disciples in John 21

Teaching Session #3

A teaching on release of control

Closing Worship

Close time together with praise and thanksgiving for this time of retreat. Share testimonies of God’s goodness and the ways that He has woven the net of community tighter. Be encouraged to allow God, the Great Fisherman to cast this mended net to draw more people into His community.

Personal Devotionals