Devotional #3

“These stones are to be a memorial to the people of Israel forever.” Joshua 4:7b (NIV)

After the Israelites passed through the parted waters of the Jordan River, God told Joshua to have the people make a memorial out of twelve stones on the far bank. There was one stone representing each tribe of Israel, a symbol of God’s goodness and provision for them all. It was also to serve as a reminder to recount their faith experiences to later generations.

Sadly, it seems to be a human tendency to forget the work of God in our lives. We are touched by a profound experience of His presence, a long-awaited answer to prayer, or a providential encounter. Yet, somehow the busyness and distraction of ordinary living always manages to eclipse our experience of the supernatural.

We must be intentional about remembering.


  • What rest, healing, or recuperation did you experience during this retreat?

  • How did you experience Christian community during this retreat?

  • How did you experience God during this retreat?

Prayer: Spend some time thanking God for this experience of retreat. Ask for His help to stay attuned to His presence as we return ‘inland’ to regular life.

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