Devotional #3
“These stones are to be a memorial to the people of Israel forever.” Joshua 4:7b (NIV)
After the Israelites passed through the parted waters of the Jordan River, God told Joshua to have the people make a memorial out of twelve stones on the far bank. There was one stone representing each tribe of Israel, a symbol of God’s goodness and provision for them all. It was also to serve as a reminder to recount their faith experiences to later generations.
Sadly, it seems to be a human tendency to forget the work of God in our lives. We are touched by a profound experience of His presence, a long-awaited answer to prayer, or a providential encounter. Yet, somehow the busyness and distraction of ordinary living always manages to eclipse our experience of the supernatural.
We must be intentional about remembering.
What rest, healing, or recuperation did you experience during this retreat?
How did you experience Christian community during this retreat?
How did you experience God during this retreat?