Devotional #1

“Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus.” - John 21:4

I liked going to the beach as a kid, but the experience has changed for me since my first child was born. There is something terrifying in the size and power of the ocean and its ability to overwhelm even the strongest swimmer, something anxiety-provoking about the lack of natural barriers to contain toddlers from wandering away, and something threatening about the close contact with crowds of strangers who make it both necessary and difficult to keep my eyes on all of my children as they run off in different directions. If I add the packing, sunscreening, and carting of gear back and forth to the beach, it only gets worse. And suddenly, I realize I would be more relaxed at home than here in the midst of a so-called vacation.

My last beach trip was by far the worst. My youngest was just shy of 2 years old and appeared to hate every minute of it.  I spent nearly all of my time holding a whimpering (or openly wailing) toddler on my hip or lap. At his age, it wasn’t much fun. And it didn’t help that a major storm was blowing in, bringing with it choppy seas, gusting winds and stinging sands.  If that wasn’t fun enough, the rest of the kids became obsessed with night-hunting crabs. So my evenings were filled with jumping and shrieking, while holding an even more unhappy toddler.

Shockingly, we haven’t been back in five years!

But what I will say about the beach is that it’s a full-body experience. From the feel of the sand on your feet and wind in your hair, to the roar of the ocean in your ears and taste of salt on your skin. It isn’t really accurate to say that we ‘go to the beach’ so much as experience it.

The same is true of God. We experience Him through creation, community, and the still, small voice within. He is present to us in joy as in sorrow, and is always close regardless of how little we feel we deserve Him.

I doubt the disciples felt very deserving that morning in John 21. Memories of their failure must have weighed heavily on them. Except for John, they had all deserted Jesus, leaving Him to face death alone. And now, despite fishing all night long, they have failed again.

Yet, the next thing they know, Jesus is calling to them from the shore. Despite their total unworthiness, Jesus welcomes them into His presences, to a breakfast and an opportunity for reconciliation.

He invites us to come as we are.


  • Thinking about the beach, which sensations stand out the most to you?  

  • Take a moment to consider the emotions you are feeling right now. Are you tired, anxious, afraid, expectant, joyful, or something else?

Prayer: Spend some time resting quietly in God’s presence. Simply offer yourself to Him as you are.