Breakout #1


The only way to reach the water is to walk one step at a time

Questions about “Messy Sand” from the Teaching:

  • How have busyness or distraction impacted your life?

  • When has something from your past (Wounds, Failures, & Humiliations) continued to complicate your life?

Questions about “Unsteady Footing” from the Teaching:

  • When have you wavered between different courses of action?

  • How have your past experiences made you tentative to walk forward in God’s purposes?


The footing will be firmer near the water

  • Make space and time for God

  • Offer your authentic self to God

  • Trust God for healing, guidance, strength, & courage, strength

Which do you feel you are struggling with most in your faith right now: making time and space to lean in, being real with God, trusting him for your needs, or something else?

Close in prayer for each other