Week 4:

Tasting Freedom

“Jesus replied, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind..’  This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”-- Matthew 22:37-38

 Daily Scripture Readings

Day 1: Read Matthew 4:18-22

  • What do we learn about the lives of Peter, Andrew, James, and John’s prior to Jesus calling them to become his disciples?

  • What did they have to leave behind to follow Jesus in this moment?

  • Which part of your life do you struggle most to let go of in order to follow Jesus?


Day 2: Read Matthew 14:13-36

  • What miraculous things occur in this Scripture passage?

  • What do you think was going through Peter’s head in that moment when Jesus invites him to walk on the water?

  • It says that Peter was able to walk on the water until he saw the wind.  Where are your eyes right now?  Are they on Jesus, or do they have the tendency to focus on the wind and waves around you?


Day 3: Read Matthew 17:1-13

  • Describe the circumstances of this interaction (Place, time, bystanders, etc.)

  • What different emotions do you think Peter, James, and John experienced from the point when Jesus chose them to accompany Him up the mountain until they come back down?

  • Which emotion do you relate to best at this moment in your life? Why?


Day 4: Read Matthew 22:34-40

  • What does Jesus say is the greatest commandment?

  • How did Jesus live out this commandment during his life on earth?

  • Which part of this commandment do you find most difficult?  Why?


Day 5: Read John 13:1-17

  • What does Jesus do in this passage?

  • Why do you think Peter reacts the way that he does?

  • How would you react to the idea of Jesus kneeling and washing your feet?  Why?


Day 6: Review the Scripture readings from this week.

  • What stands out the most to you?  Why?

  • What do you feel that you most need from God this week?

  • Summarize your prayers.  


Embracing Vulnerability


Breaking Free