Week 3:

Embracing Vulnerability

“Jesus answered her, ‘If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.’”-- John 4:10

 Daily Scripture Readings

Day 1: Read John 2:1-12

  • Describe the circumstances of this interaction (Place, time, bystanders, etc.)

  • What would the bride and groom be ashamed of?

  • It’s an extravagant gesture.  Jesus turns hand-washing water into choicest wine.   Sit for a few moments and consider the extravagant love of God in your life.


Day 2: Read John 4:1-26

  • Describe the circumstances of this interaction (Place, time, bystanders, etc.)

  • What is the woman ashamed of?

  • It’s another extravagant gesture.  Scripture tells us Jesus is tired, and yet he stops at the well in the heat of the midday sun in order to reach out to the Samaritan woman.  God isn’t bound by time and place.  He is always available, always willing to free us from our shame and fear and shower us with His love.  Sit for a few moments in His presence.


Day 3: John 8:1-11

  • Describe the circumstances of this interaction (Place, time, bystanders, etc.)

  • What is shameful for this woman?

  • Jesus does not condemn the woman, and he doesn’t condemn you.  Thinking of the things you are most ashamed of in your life, allow Jesus to say the same words to you today, “Neither do I condemn you.  Go now and leave your life of sin.”  Sit with Jesus and soak in His words.


Day 4: John 9:1-12

  • Describe the circumstances of this interaction (Place, time, bystanders, etc.)

  • What shame has the man been living with?

  • Jesus takes away the man’s shame when He explains that the man’s blindness is not the result of his or his parents’ sin, but rather, “…so that the works of God might be displayed in him.”  Think of a difficult or painful experience you are facing.  Listen for anything Jesus might want to say to you personally.


Day 5: John 9:13-41

  • What reaction do the following groups of people have to the man’s healing?

    • Neighbors

    • Pharisees

    • Parents

  • How do these interactions bring further shame to the man?

  • Where are you in the story right now?  Are you rejoicing in the miracle or do you have a different reaction? Why?


Day 6: Review the Scripture readings from this week.

  • What stands out the most to you?  Why?

  • What do you feel that you most need from God this week?

  • Summarize your prayers.  


Releasing the Old


Tasting Freedom