Week 2:

Releasing the Old Land

“Abraham answered, ‘God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.’  And the two of them went on together.” -- Genesis 22:8

 Daily Scripture Readings

Day 1: Read Genesis 22:1-2

  • What does God tell Abraham to do?

  • How is God testing Abraham?

  • If God were to ask for you to give him the thing of greatest worth in your life?  What would it be?  How would you respond?


Day 2: Read Genesis 22:3-5

  • We learn about Abraham’s decision in these verses.  What might each of these clues tell us:

    • “Early in the morning…”

    •  “When he had cut enough wood for the burnt offering…”

    • “He said to his servants, ‘Stay here…’”

  • How would you have acted differently than Abraham?  Why?


Day 3: Read Genesis 22:6-10

  • What does Isaac ask Abraham?

  • How do you think Abraham and Isaac are feeling in this moment?

  • Do you relate better to Abraham or Isaac at this point?  Why?


Day 4: Read Genesis 22:11-14

  • How does God intervene?

  • Some scholars believe that this scene takes place on the very same place where Jesus will one day be crucified.  What other imagery do you see in Genesis 22 that points to Jesus?

  • Because of the word for ‘boy’ used to describe Isaac in verse 5, Isaac is probably a teenager at this point.  (The same word is used to refer to Benjamin at the time when Joseph’s brothers travel to Egypt and for the prophet Samuel at the time when he hears the Lord calling him in the night).  It’s an important detail, because it is unlikely that an elderly Abraham would have been able to bind his teenage son to the altar against his will.  Just as Abraham trusted and obeyed God, Isaac seems to have trusted and obeyed Abraham.  What impact does this information have on the way you read this story?


Day 5: Read Genesis 22:15-19

  • What promise of blessing does God make to Abraham?

  • How do you think this blessing relates to Abraham’s willingness to obey God’s command about Isaac?

  • When has your willingness to obey God led to blessing in your life?


Day 6: Review Genesis 22

  • What stands out the most to you?  Why?

  • What do you feel that you most need from God this week?

  • Summarize your prayers.  


Invitation to a New Land


Embracing Vulnerability