Week 1:

Invitation to a New Land

“The Lord had said to Abram, ‘Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.” -- Genesis 12:1

 Daily Scripture Readings

Day 1: Read Genesis 11:27-32 

  • What difficulties do we read about in Abram’s family?

  • What might have caused Terah to stop in Harran rather than continue his journey to Canaan?

  • When have you felt stalled or sidetracked by something in your life?  


Day 2: Read Genesis 12:1-3

  • What did Abram have to leave behind in order to journey forward?

  • What blessing did God offer Abram if he obeyed?

  • If God were to make you the same offer, how would you respond to both the cost and the blessing?


Day 3: Read Genesis 12:4-9 

  • How does Abram respond in verse 4?

  • How is Abram’s journey a one-step-at-a-time process?

  • When have you experienced a similar process in your life?


Day 4: Read Genesis 12:10-20 

  • Despite God’s promise of blessing and protection, what does Abram decided to do when he enters Egypt?

  • What normal human fears and emotions do we see in this part of Abram’s story?

  • How can you relate to Abram’s need for a back-up plan?


Day 5: Read Genesis 16:1-15

  • Why does Abram sleep with Sarai’s servant, Hagar?  What are the consequences?

  • How are Abram’s actions evidence of a lack of faith in God’s promises (Ch.12)? 

  • Can you relate to Abram’s experience of waiting for a promise that remains unfulfilled?


DAY 6: Review the Scripture readings from this week.

  • What stands out the most to you?  Why?

  • What do you feel that you most need from God this week?

  • Summarize your prayers.  


Releasing the Old