It’s Not Supposed To Be This Way

by Lysa Terkeurst


This book explores the messy, painful reality of the human experience, living between the two gardens.  Things went horribly wrong in the Garden of Eden, and they will one day be set right and all things will be made new as described in the book of Revelation.  But living in the meantime, Terkheurst reminds us that God is very much in control and that He is capable of using all things for good.

Terkheurst encourages us to have faith in the process that God is leading us through.  While times of ease and comfort can lead us toward spiritual apathy, struggle and disappointment equip us for our purpose and have great potential to drive us deep into the arms of God. Our difficulties will strengthen our character for what is yet to come, and our tears will one day help others survive theirs.

Author’s Website: It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way - Book by Lysa TerKeurst

Favorite Quotes

“…there’s someone else in the world who would drown in their own tears if not for seeing yours.”

“Disappointment isn’t proof that God is withholding good things from us.  Sometimes it’s His way of leading us Home.  But to see this and properly understand what’s really going on, we must take a step back and view it in the context of God’s epic love story.  The one in which He rescues and reconciles humanity to Himself.”

“God isn’t ever going to forsake you, but He will go to great lengths to remake you.”

“Unresolved past hurts make for fantastic kindling of the most tragic kind.”

“To live is to love.  To love is to risk pain.  To risk pain is to live.  It’s what it means to be truly human.  As fragile as dust.”

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