
Living Loved When You Feel Less Than, Left Out, and Lonely

by Lysa TerKeurst



Past rejection makes us hesitant to take risks and walk by faith.  But if we focus our eyes on God, His love and grace are able to transform even our most painful experiences.  God reminds us of the truth that, despite what the world says, we are of infinite value to Him.  And we need to rehearse His goodness and love, in order to begin to live the fullness of life that God intends for us to live.

Author’s Website

Uninvited - Book by Lisa TerKeurst

Favorite Quotes

“Rejection steals the best of who I am by reinforcing the worst of what’s been said to me.”

“Girls who have the lingering whispers of rejection still echoing in the hollows of their soul rarely feel completely held safe. So they look at gaps of the unknown and hesitate at best. Run away at worst. They crave for life to make sense. They cringe when it doesn’t.”

“Today’s disappointment is making room for tomorrow’s appointments.”

“God isn’t afraid of your sharp edges that may seem quite risky to others. He doesn’t pull back. He pulls you close. His love and grace covers your exposed grief. And step-by-step leads you to a new place of victory. A sweet place your soul is so glad to be in though you never would have chosen the path on your own.”


The Gifts of Imperfection


The Critical Journey