
Welcome & Announcements

Gathering Game

  • Consider using this tree-themed game during the time when retreatants are arriving and settling in.

  • Go over the answers & determine who is the most ‘tree-savvy’ among the group.

Explanation of Retreat

  • The colors of leaves that we see on deciduous trees in the fall are actually always present. During the spring and summer, as the trees busy themselves with the work of photosynthesis, the green of the chlorophyll overpowers the natural color of the leaves. It is only as the seasons change, and a tree’s work slows that the beautiful colors underneath can shine through.

  • Retreat is an opportunity to quiet and still ourselves in order to discover the beautiful things hidden during the busy seasons of our lives.

Embodied Prayer Posture (Being strong, straight, fruitful trees)

  • Feet Rooted - Wiggle and root toes, feel the ground under your feet

    • Focus on God as our firm foundation

    • Think about the many ways that God has been there for you throughout Your life

    • Remember that He has never failed you or broken a single promise

  • Back Long - Lengthen your back - shoulders back and down, imagine a string pulling the crown of your head toward the sky, tailbone tucked

    • Focus on God as the Giver of Life

    • Think about the ways that He has led you on good paths

    • Remember that we live our lives as a response to His love

  • Strong Core - Pay attention to your breath, notice the place at which the air warms inside you

    • Focus on the knowledge that you are Beloved of God at your core

    • Think about the many loves and passions in the masterpiece of you that God has created

    • Remember that all of these are gifts from God

  • Fruitful Branches (part 1) - Turn your hands to face palms out

    • Focus on handing off your worries and cares into God’s hands for this time of retreat

    • Think about God’s complete and total ability to care for anything you have given Him

    • Remember that He loves and cares for the things you care about, even more than you do.

  • Fruitful Branches (Part 2) - When your arms feel unburdened, lift them palms up toward the sky

    • Focus on opening yourself up to receiving whatever gift God has for you this weekend

    • Think about God looking at you with pleasure that you have chosen to set aside this time to be with Him

    • Remember that He is looking on you with love