Opening Worship
Praise & Worship
Possible Hymns: Great Is Thy Faithfulness, Hymn of Promise, How Firm a Foundation
Possible Contemporary Songs: It Is Well, Seasons, All Who Are Thirsty
Purpose: Anchorage, Stability, Drawing water and nutrients from the soil
Sequoias - By volume they are the largest trees in the world - It’s hard to imagine the roots that would be needed to keep this giant nourished and stable, but interestingly their roots grow very shallowly - Instead they interlock roots with nearby trees, helping to support each other.
We are rooted in God’s love, but His intention is for us to live in a community of faith, roots interlocking with each other for support
C.S. Lewis quotes:
“In each of my friends there is something that only some other friend can fully bring out. By myself I am not large enough to call the whole man into activity; I want other lights than my own to show all his facets. Now that Charles is dead, I shall never again see Ronald’s [Tolkien’s] reaction to a specifically Charles joke. Far from having more of Ronald, having him ‘to myself’ now Charles is away, I have less of Ronald.”
Friendship exhibits a glorious resemblance to heaven itself…Every soul, sees God in her own way, [and] doubtless communicates that unique vision to all the rest.”
Jesus Discipled in Community
Peter made them all feel a little more bold (Believing enough to step out of the boat and walking briefly on the water)
John made them all feel a little more loved (Leaning against Jesus at the Last Supper, feeling His heartbeat, standing at the foot of the cross)
Thomas made them all a little more informed (Asking the questions the rest of them wanted to)
Sharing Faith Stories
We all have a different experience of God, we have seen Him in a unique way, and can share this with each other
Reminder that sharing isn’t easy but it is important because no one else has experienced God in exactly the same way as us