Tree Savvy??

Directions: Have participants work in pairs or triads to guess the names of trees based on pictures of their leaves, blossoms, and seeds. (Answers below each picture)

Single Tulip Poplar leaf on the ground

#1 Tulip Poplar

#2 Weeping Willow

Sassafras tree with mixture of three-lobed, two-lobed and unlobed leaves

#3 Sassafras

Yellow Ginko leaves on wet ground

#4 Ginko

Single Japanese Maple leaf on dirt ground

#5 Japanese Maple

Single Sycamore leaf on stony ground

#6 Sycamore

Fruit of a walnut tree


Single acorn from an oak tree


Single flower of a magnolia tree

#13 Magnolia

Branch of a Flowering Pear tree in sunlight

#14 Flowering Pear