I Am Not

In the gospel of John, Jesus further reveals His character through several “I Am Not” statements.

“I am not alone. I stand with the Father who sent me.” —John 8:16

Jesus’s life was built on the firm foundation of His Father’s love. From the very beginning of His public ministry, before Jesus had performed any miracles or preached a single sermon, He heard words of affirmation and love spoken over Him by the Father: “A voice from heaven said, ‘This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased’” (Matthew 3:17.) Secure in His Father’s love, Jesus could walk forward into the most challenging of circumstances, knowing that He wouldn’t face them alone.

“They are not of the world, even as I am not of [the world]. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.” — John 17:16-17

Jesus was not of this world and didn’t follow its rules. He didn’t seek to acquire power, success, fame, or wealth, because He knew the truth about life—it could only be found in relationship with the Father. Jesus came shining the light of this truth, but many people preferred to remain in darkness.

“I am not seeking glory for myself, but there is one who seeks it, and He is the judge.” — John 8:50

Jesus didn’t have to prove Himself. He knew that, in the end, all that mattered was His Father’s love. Secure in that relationship, Jesus was able to shun all of the things that other humans spend their lives chasing after, and choose the way of servanthood instead.


As disciples of Jesus, these “I Am Not” statements should apply to us as well. Consider what it means that you are not alone, not of this world, and not seeking glory for yourself. Is God saying anything to you through these scriptures today?


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