For the King

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’” – Matthew 25:40

I have found an unexpected silver lining in 2020. This Christmas, there is a meaningful gift that I can bring to the King.

Scripture tells us to do for the least of these in society: the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the sick, and the imprisoned. And COVID-19 has created a new category, vulnerable populations of people in older generations or those living with pre-existing health conditions.  As someone who is relatively young and healthy, my eyes have to be turned toward those who aren’t.  And when I socially distance, I do it for them.

Another vulnerable population are those whose jobs require them to serve on the front lines in our community.  We have healthcare workers paying a heavy price to battle the effects of the pandemic.  We have service sector employees who staff retail outlets and keep our infrastructure running.  These people have no choice but to be out in the community.  We, who are a family blessed with the ability to stay home and still earn a paycheck, can be one less exposure for those who cannot.

As always, caring for the least of these is a costly gift. We are missing out on our normal holiday festivities. We are forgoing family gatherings and watching candlelight service in our living room rather than a beautifully decorated sanctuary. And for me, the heaviest cost is living with the questioning I find hard not to take to heart. Am I allowing fear to drive my life?  Do my actions point to a lack of faith?   

But I can only take my next step forward, in the direction that it seems wisest to travel.

And, so this is the gift I bring. I offer it in hope, encouraged by the Christmas story. Of many different people bringing many different gifts.  Mary offering nurture, Joseph protection.  The shepherds bringing their presence while the wisemen bring gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

Each gift is costly. The bumpy journey to Bethlehem, the humble surroundings, the daunting task ahead.  

And ultimately, each sacrifice is forgotten.  Replaced by awe in His presence.

For He is here.

Other WillowingWell Devotionals


Together Apart


Twelve Days of Christmas