Week 4: Branches
Even while running for his life, pursued by King Saul who was intent on killing him, we see David continuing to rely on God. Like the branches of a tree that draw their nourishment from the roots, David turns toward God for comfort and encouragement.
Psalm 23 provides us with an insider’s view into the workings of David’s heart and the way that he was nourished by the love of God.
Scripture Reading: Psalm 23
Opening Question:
What part of this passage stands out most to you?
Core Question 1:
According to David, what life-giving conditions does God provide for us?
Core Question 2:
Being shepherded requires the cooperation of the sheep. What temptations might lead a sheep away from its shepherd? What temptations might lead us away from following Jesus?
Core Question 3:
When Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, they chose their own understanding over God’s. What parts of this psalm sound wrong to us, according to our limited human understanding?
Concluding Question:
How has God’s plan for your life taken you to green pastures and still waters?
How has God’s plan for your life taken you through dark valleys?
How does it feel to know that God has a place prepared in His house for you?
Following Jesus
Some of the most difficult hours of Jesus’s life were those that he spent praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, begging His Father for an easier way. His struggle is real. But His decision is unwavering. Jesus chooses to follow God because He trusts the Father’s love and believes that His ways are good.
What was the dark valley of Gethsemane like for Jesus?
How was Jesus nourished by God’s love through this dark valley?
On Your Own
This week we will be reading about some of David’s experiences while he is on the run from King Saul.
We will also be considering the spiritual practice of witnessing to the presence and love of God in our lives.