Week 4: Nourished By Love
When David flees from King Saul, he heads to the town of Nob where he inquires of the Lord through the priest, Ahimelek. David receives bread and a sword from Ahimelek, before continuing on through the town of Gath to the cave of Adullam. Here, David is joined by his father, brothers, and about 400 other men.
Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 23:1-13
Right There:
Why does David go to Keilah?
Think About It:
If you were David and his men, how would you expect the people of Keilah to treat you? What does God say is going to happen instead?
Personal Reaction:
What does it feel like when someone you have been kind toward decides to reject or betray you?
Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 23:14-29
Right There:
What do David and his men have to do in order to avoid being captured by King Saul?
Think About It:
How do you see God protecting and encouraging David during this difficult time?
Personal Reaction:
How do you think it feels to be constantly on the run? How could this experience draw you closer to God? How could this experience push you away from Him?
Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 24
Right There:
Why doesn’t David kill Saul when he has the chance? What does he do instead?
Think About It:
What is surprising about the conversation between David and Saul?
Personal Reaction:
How do you think it feels to be David, to have Saul continually wavering between treating you with kindness and affirmation and then hatred and violence?
Spiritual Practice
Consider the way that you witness and what it says about who you believe God is:
What is your testimony (The story of God’s presence and love in your life)?
Who have you shared your testimony with?
How do you feel about sharing your testimony?