Week 2: Trunk

Saul’s life takes a dramatic turn when he is 30 years old. One day he is out searching for his father’s donkeys and the next he is being crowned king over all of Israel.

But Saul proves to be unfit to rule God’s people. He is fearful and disobedient, acting in his own best judgment rather than trusting God’s ways to be good.

As a result, God sends the prophet Samuel to tell Saul that he has lost favor, “But now your kingdom will not endure; the Lord has sought out a man after his own heart and appointed him ruler of his people, because you have not kept the Lord’s command.” (1 Samuel 13:14)

The man after God’s own heart is David.

David is far from perfect. As king, he will deceive and steal and kill. But David’s harrowing experiences as a shepherd boy have taught him that he is beloved of God. He is convinced of God’s care for him and strengthened by His love.

This week we will be exploring what it means to be strengthened by God’s love.

Scripture Reading: I Samuel 16:1-13

Opening Question:

What part of this passage stands out most to you?

Core Question 1:

What surprises do we see people encountering in this passage?

Core Question 2:

With which of the people in this story do you feel like you can relate best (Samuel, Jesse, David, or one of the brothers)? Why?

Core Question 3:

The prophet, Samuel, is obviously surprised by God’s choice of David as the next king. What does Samuel’s obedience tell us about his answers to the two big questions of faith:

“Who is God? & “Who am I according to God?”

Concluding Question:

God tells Samuel that He is choosing David based on his heart, rather than his outward appearance. What outward signs or behaviors would you expect to see in David’s life that would either cultivate or display the good condition of his heart?

Following Jesus

At His baptism, the heavens open and God’s voice is heard proclaiming, “This is my Son, whom I love. In Him I am well-pleased.” Jesus knows that He is dearly loved by His Father.

  • How do you think this statement affected Jesus as He embarked on public ministry?

  • How do you think it helped Him to face temptation by Satan in the wilderness?

On Your Own

This week we will be studying the encounter between David and Goliath. Here, we see evidence of David’s core strength as he advances boldly forward in faith, despite what appears to be overwhelming odds.

We will also be considering the spiritual practice of reading Scripture, and how it helps us to be strengthened by the love of God.