Week 2: Strengthened By Love
Imagine the scene: David, a mere boy, marches boldly out against a giant. As they approach each other on the field of battle, Goliath, a professional soldier wielding a spear that likely weighs more than David himself, shouts out taunts and curses at the opponent who he feels is beneath him. But what Goliath doesn’t know is that David has undergone training of his own. He has spent years defending his father’s flocks against the bear and the lion, and his experiences have taught him to trust in the power and provision of His God.
Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 17:1-11
Right There
What does the battle scene look like? What are the two armies doing?
Think About It
What do you think about Goliath’s proposal? Is it a reasonable plan? Why or why not?
Personal Reaction
If you were a soldier in the Israelite army, how would you react to Goliath’s words?
Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 17:12-31
Right There:
Why does David go to the army camp?
Think About It:
What do you think motivates David to get involved in the fight with Goliath? Why do you think David’s brothers question his motives?
Personal Reaction:
Have you ever had someone unfairly question your motives? What was that experience like?
Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 17:32-50
Right There:
What surprising things happen in this passage?
Think About It:
What is the source of David’s courage?
Personal Reaction:
When has God given you the courage to face a difficult experience in your life?
Spiritual Practice
Consider the way that you read the Bible and what it says about who you believe God is:
When do you read the Bible?
Why do you read the Bible?
How do you feel about reading the Bible?