Week 6:

Jesus as the Way

“Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except by me.’”-- John 14:6

Daily Scripture Readings

 Day 1: Read Luke 4:1-13

  • What three temptations does Satan use against Jesus?

  • What does Jesus have to give up in order to resist each temptation?

  • Which temptation do you have the most difficulty resisting?  Why?


Day 2: Luke 4:14-30

  • What shocking statement did Jesus make in verse 21?

  • What does He go on to say after they voice their disbelief?

  • Why do you think this made the people so mad?


Day 3: Read Luke 22:39-46

  • How does Jesus handle this terrible moment in His life?

  • Jesus is in anguish to the point of sweating blood, which is apparently possible for people in extreme shock.  Mere humans have died horrible deaths more calmly than this, which leads to the conclusion that Jesus is facing something far worse than death.  What do you think that is?

  • What impact does this scene have on your faith, knowing the extent of Jesus’s love in walking this path on your behalf?


Day 4: Read Luke 24: 1-12

  • According to Luke’s account, who went to the tomb first thing in the morning?

  • What do you think they were feeling when they found the tomb empty?

  • How would you feel if you were the ones to take the message back to the disciples and have them not believe you?  Can you relate to their experience in any way?


Day 5: Read Luke 24:13-48

  • At what point do the two disciples finally recognize Jesus?

  • How do you think they were feeling when they share this experience with the disciples back in Jerusalem?

  • Imagine yourself in the room when Jesus appears among all of the disciples.  What are your emotions?  Your thoughts?  Your reactions?


Day 6: Review the Scripture readings from this week.

  • What stands out the most to you?  Why?

  • What do you feel that you most need from God this week?

  • Summarize your prayers.  


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