The Mystic Way of Evangelism

A Contemplative Vision For Christian Outreach

by Elaine Heath


Elaine Heath argues that the modern American church is experiencing a collective dark night of the soul. There is potential for deep spiritual growth and healing to take place in the midst of this experience. Heath encourages us to seek wisdom for our journey in the lives of the great mystics and contemplatives of the past.

Author’s Website: The Mystic Way of Evangelism - Book by Elaine Heath

Favorite Quotes

“While the sun sets on Christendom in the West, the saints, mystics, and martyrs beckon to the church as a great cloud of witnesses, calling us to transformation.”

“The world needs to see a church that is not all about itself.”

“The marvelous good news in the midst of this universal tragedy is that love is God’s meaning—toward Adam and Eve, toward every human…wounds and sin do not have the last word.  Love, not death, wins the day.”

“Yet life lived from the center is not without peril, for it is a call to come to die.  The false self, that self that we craft in our own image, must give way to the self God calls us to be. It must yield the throne to the One who is love.”

“Deeper union with Christ involves kenosis, the suffering of the cross as one gives oneself in service.”

“Humanity is both clay and divine breath…body and soul…”

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