
“From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life.” – Mark 16:21

Scripture Reading: Mark 16:13-21

Looking more closely at the three different times that Jesus speaks of His impending death, we see Him adding an extra detail each time. Perhaps Jesus is choosing to slowly acclimate the disciples to the news or maybe He is simply revealing the information as God presents it to Him.

It reminds me of a series of switchbacks on a hiking trail, which zig zag back and forth rather than ascending directly. These switchbacks are used to traverse steep elevations more safely.

Accepting this news is certainly a drastic change in elevation for the disciples. They have been following Jesus with growing hopes, watching Him preach and teach and perform miracles. They realize He is the Messiah, as declared by Peter in Mark 16:16, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God.” But they don’t realize the way their Messiah will lead them. As Jesus first begins to reveal the path, He says only that He will suffer at the hands of the religious leaders and be killed (Mark 16:21). The next time Jesus speaks of His death (Mark 17:22-23), He adds the detail that He will be delivered into the hands of man, which seems to point toward His betrayal. Finally, in Mark 20:17-29, Jesus reveals a few more details; He will be mocked, flogged, and crucified by the Gentiles.

It’s a horrifying message. The disciples believe Jesus to be the Son of God, but how can the Son of God be arrested, tortured, and killed by mere humans? And it is even harder to accept Him being killed by the Gentiles.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, sometimes the climb feels so steep. We can’t head straight uphill, but we resent the drawn out stretch of switchbacks. Help us to trust You on the path, whichever way You lead us. Amen.

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