
“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”

(Psalm 46:1)

The hike to Vernal Falls turned out to be a little too much for us. When we set off that morning, we were undecided about whether we would take the shorter path, retracing our steps, or continue onto the John Muir Trail, making a seven-mile loop. Much of the ascent is along a steep, rocky path, made slippery by the mist coming off of the falls. About halfway up, I began to realize that the terrain would not be safe to descend. There would be no turning back.

Unfortunately, by the time we reached the falls, everyone was feeling pretty worn out. To make matters worse, we had no time to rest, because we were due to check out of our room at the Awahnee Lodge by eleven o’clock. As the John Muir Trail continued to lead us higher into the mountains, I began to fear we weren’t going to make it back in time. What a relief it was when we finally made it to the summit and began our downward trek.

We were somewhere near the six-mile-mark—with only about a mile left to go—when we came around a switchback and found ourselves face-to-face with a bear (pictured above). I grabbed our youngest son’s hand to keep him from running and began to slowly back up the trail. When the bear didn’t immediately attack, my thoughts began to focus on our options. We would either have to walk past the bear or retrace an impossible six miles.

While we were deliberating, two young guys came hiking up the trail toward us. They had to remove their earbuds in order hear my panicked question, “Is the bear still on the trail?”

No. They had not seen a bear. But they were pretty excited about the prospect of it.

It was the assurance we needed. We picked up rocks and branches, as a meager means of defense. And then we marched, singing, down the trail. Making it back to the lodge with time to spare.

Meditation: Consider a time when you felt like you couldn’t go any further. What helped you through that experience?

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