Lenten Darkness
The Garden of Gethsemane
Personal Daily Scripture Readings
Matthew 26:36-46 (Jesus prays in the garden)
Mark 14:32-42 (Jesus prays in the garden)
Luke 22:39-46 (Jesus prays in the garden)
Matthew 26:47-56 (Jesus is arrested)
John 18:1-14 (Jesus is arrested)
Questions to Consider
How is Jesus feeling in this moment?
How are the disciples feeling?
What is confusing or unexpected about what is happening?
What influences, motivations, and pressures are the people involved experiencing?
As Jesus begins to show His sadness and distress, how does it affect you?
What would you like to say or do for Jesus in this moment?
Journal your thoughts on each reading in preparation for the group meeting
Opening Discussion
What things stood out to you in this week’s scripture reading? Was there anything surprising or confusing to you?
Related Spiritual Reading
Timothy Keller writes extensively about Jesus’s experience in the Garden of Gethsemane in “The Obedient Master” chapter of his book, Encounters with Jesus:
“How could the Second Person of the Trinity, who even in his human form seems to anticipate every eventuality, be shocked? But he is. He’s reeling, dumbfounded, astonished. As he is on his way to pray, a darkness and horror comes down on him beyond anything he could have anticipated, and the pain of it makes him feel he is disintegrating on the spot…
“The cup of God’s wrath [Ezekiel 23:32-34 & Isaiah 51:1] is like poison that makes the body stagger and burn with inner pain. This is what is beginning to happen to Jesus. He begins to pray and he suddenly sees into the abyss. No Father, no presence, no communion; Hell rather than Heaven opens to his gaze…
“…when [Jesus] goes to the cross for us after this experience in the garden, he goes with vivid firsthand knowledge of what will happen. And that makes Jesus’ action the greatest act of love to the Father—and to his fellow human beings—in the history of the world.”
How does Keller’s perspective add to your understanding of what is happening in the Garden of Gethsemane?
Closing Question
How has your understanding of Jesus grown or changed this week? Has He become more real to you in any way?