Walk Humbly
Week #3
“God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.” James 4:6
The Titanic set sail with only half of the lifeboats needed for its passengers. The other half of them had been removed to make the decks feel less crowded. It was an unwise decision based on the faulty belief that Titanic was unsinkable.
It is this same belief in Titanic’s invincibility that later leads the captain to continue to travel at top speeds through iceberg-infested waters, even after receiving warnings of iceberg sightings from ships traveling ahead of them. And even after the collision, with the ship literally sinking under their feet, passengers initially delayed boarding the lifeboats, still believing her to be unsinkable.
Consider the arrogance of this reasoning. Freezable, drownable, fragile human beings—crossing an enormous expanse of water—on a giant piece of metal. And somehow picturing themselves as invincible.
Seriously, a little humility might have saved them.
FYI: For those of you who are wanting to know, a metal boat is able to float because the average density of the boat plus the air inside the boat is less than the average density of water. As the boat settles into the water, it floats without a problem, as long as it is able to displace enough water to equal its own weight before it becomes submerged.
This week’s scripture readings can be broken into smaller groups if desired
Group #1: Read Numbers 20:1-13
Right There:
What problem is Moses facing?
What does God tell Moses to do about it?
Think About It:
How do you think Moses is feeling in this moment?
How might these feelings be influencing his behavior?
On Your Own:
How do Moses’s actions show a lack of humility?
What, if anything, seems unfair about how God punishes Moses?
Group #2: Read 2 Samuel 6:1-7
Right There:
What causes God’s anger?
What happens to Uzzah?
Think About It:
How do Exodus 25:1-16 & Leviticus 16:1-2 shed light on God’s response?
On Your Own:
How do the Israelites’ actions show a lack of humility?
What, if anything, seems unfair about how God punishes Uzzah?
Group #3: Read 2 Samuel 24:1-17
Right There:
What does David order his commanders to do?
What is Joab’s response to David’s order?
Think About It:
Why do you think Joab questions David’s order?
What choices did Joab have in that moment?
On Your Own:
How might David’s actions show a lack of humility?
If you were David, which punishment would you choose and why?
Concluding Question:
How has your understanding of humility changed based on today’s discussion?