Walk Humbly

Week #6

“God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.” — James 4:6

Ironically, the weather conditions were clear and calm the night of Titanic’s sinking. The movie portrays the skipper remarking to the captain, “I don’t think I have ever seen such a flat calm.  It will make the bergs hard to see.”  Calm seas added to the danger because there were no waves breaking against the base of the iceberg.

There’s a pretty clear spiritual parallel.  While we often turn toward God during times of trial, leaning more heavily on Him for comfort and guidance, we have the tendency to drift away when things are going well.  Smooth sailing can lead us to the mistaken belief that we can take care of ourselves. Our easy circumstances seem like evidence that we are doing quite well on our own—thank you very much!

One of the ways that we can combat our tendency to become spiritually complacent is to engage in regular worship.  Consider how the progression of a typical worship service lifts our eyes toward God and helps us to focus our attention on His power and majesty.

We enter with praise and thanksgiving for all that God has done for us throughout the week.  We offer prayers and petitions for the things that only God can provide for us and the people we love.  We bring our gifts to God, entrusting our time, talent, and resources to the work of His kingdom.  All the while, we are expecting to encounter Him in the midst of our worship.

Music can be an important component of worship.  Consider the lyrics of the Casting Crown’s song “Make Room”:

Make Room

By Casting Crowns

Family hiding from the storm

Found no place at the keeper’s door

It was for this a Child was born

To save a world so cold and hollow

The sleeping town did not know

That lying in a manger low

A Savior King who had no home

Has come to heal our sorrows

Is there room in your heart

Is there room in your heart

Is there room in your heart

For God to write His story?

Shepherds counting sheep in the night

Do not fear the glory light

You are precious in His sight

God has come to raise the lowly

Is there room in your heart

Is there room in your heart

Is there room in your heart

For God to write His story?

You can come as you are

But it may set you apart

When you make room in your heart

And trade your dreams for His glory.

Mother holds the Promise tight

Every wrong will be made right

The road is straight and the burden’s light

For in His hands He holds tomorrow

Make room in your heart

Make room in your heart

Discussion Questions

Opening Question:

What stood out most to you?

Core Question #1:

How do the lyrics of this song remind us that Jesus walked humbly during His earthy life? 

What other evidence of humility do you see in the life of Jesus?

Core Question #2:

How would you answer the question repeated throughout this song: Is there room in your heart? 

How do you think this question relates to humility?

Core Question #3:

What relationship do you see between worship and making room in your heart?

Core Question #4:

How does the line “Trade your dreams for His glory,” relate to John the Baptist’s “He must become greater, I must become less” that we considered last week?

Concluding Question:

How has your understanding of humility changed based on today’s discussion?