In Its Time

“He has made everything beautiful in its time…” - Ecclesiastes 3:11

I distinctly remember one lesson from my days in our church youth group. The leader was illustrating purity through the image of a rosebud. She began to pull back the petals, attempting to force the rose into full bloom. The end result was not pretty. And even worse, when she attempted to fix the damage, it proved to be impossible. The rosebud, with its beautiful potential, was ravaged beyond repair.

While it’s an image that has always stuck with me, it’s a lesson I’ve barely begun to learn. In my head, I acknowledge the truth that God will make everything beautiful in its time. But in practice, I seem to think I know better than Him.

I spend much of my life demanding that it match my timing. I find that instead of being present in the moment, I rush through even the most enjoyable experiences, hurrying on to the next big thing. Once there, I inevitably rush through it as well.

It is a powerful cycle, from which I will never break free on my own. But by God’s grace it is possible.

Lord, in Your mercy, help me to wait patiently on You, knowing that You make all things beautiful in their time.


What are you waiting on God for right now? How might the waiting lead to something more beautiful than immediate gratification?

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