Celebration As Favor

In the Parable of the Wedding Banquet, recorded in Matthew 22:1-14, a king invites his subjects to a party that he is throwing to celebrate the wedding of his son. With fattened cattle on the menu, it’s going to be quite a feast. Yet, everyone finds an excuse for why they cannot go. 

The king offers them a second chance, sending his messengers to re-extend the invitation. But this time his servants are mistreated and killed. Enraged, the king sends his army to destroy them for their wickedness.

The king then sends other servants out into the streets to gather anyone they can find; soon his banquet hall is filled with partygoers. However, one of the guests stands out from the others.  The king approaches him and asks, “How did you get in here without wedding clothes, friend?” When the man gives no answer, he is kicked out of the party and joins the others who are now excluded from the celebration—the others who chose to be left outside in the darkness. The king never rejected them, they had rejected the king.

You and I have also received an invitation from the King. We are offered a place at the great wedding banquet of the Son. And like the guests in Jesus’s parable, none of us are deserving of the honor. But the King never expected us to be worthy. He doesn’t care what our lineage is or how many good works we do or do not perform. The grace that He extends is based entirely on who He is.

And if we are willing, He will clothe us with the garment of His salvation and favor.


Meditation: How has your understanding of grace changed over time? How has grace changed you over time?

Connection: What is one way you have experienced God’s favor this past week?


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