Teaching #2

A Rule of Life

“Be in the vine.”  John (NIV)

One set of brothers is casting their net, while one set is mending it. But both are called by Jesus.

Routine care:

  • Nets had to be cleaned and dried every day to keep them from rotting

  • No direct/immediate benefit, but vital 

  • Reminder to take time for quiet, self-care, rest, etc.

  •  There is no shame in caring for yourself.  You are a vital part of the three-corded strand in Ecclesiastes

Create a “Rule of Life” – a trellis that a grapevine would climb that gives structure for healthy growth

  • Daily Practices: Personal prayer, study, reflection

  • Weekly Practices: Corporate worship, Service, Giving 

  • Periodic Practices: Long-term missions trip, retreat

  • Others: Fasting, Silence & Solitude

BUT only have so much time.  This is not an add one more thing scenario, but a release some of the busyness and distraction – Find your “best yes.”

Follow Teaching with Breakout Session #2