Small Group Breakout #2

Centering Activity for each participant individually:

Starting Point: Self

  • What do you need in order to be well? How much sleep, exercise, quiet time, time with friends, etc.?

  • What things do you love to do? What things fill you up? What things drain you?

Inner Circle

  • What are your closest relationships?

  • What benefits do you receive from these relationships?

  • What do these relationships require from you?

Outer Circles

  • Add other relationships to the diagram. Distance these people appropriately from yourself. For example, extended family members might be closer than neighbors.

Small Group Discussion Questions:

  • How can you build practices into your life to ensure that you are caring for your own needs and preserving time to do the things you love?

  • In her book, Present Over Perfect, Shauna Niequist says we should try to disappoint our inner circle as little as possible. How often do you devote time and energy to people in your outer circles at the expense of the people closest to you?