Teaching #3

Mending Nets

"I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought." - 1 Corinthians 1:10 (NIV)

Nets get torn by being used

  • Sunshine and salt water weaken the fibers

  • Repetitive use tears the rope and loosens the knots

  • Application: We see evidence of this in our personal lives, where busyness and exhaustion lead to conflicts in our relationships

Net is only as effective as its largest gap

  • Time to Mend - Jesus doesn’t call us because of what we can do, but because He loves us and wants relationship (He calls men who are actively fishing AND men who are mending their nets)

  • Cooperation vs. Competition - The condition of the whole net is dependent on the condition of each part, but we live in a culture that promotes scrambling over others to reach the top (In our jobs, kids, finances, etc.)

  • Unity (Katartizo) - To adjust thoroughly; to knit together, unite completely

Listen to Servant Song - Consider how you can both receive Christ’s love through others and be Christ’s love to others:

  • Journeying - Walk along with others & Help carry burdens

  • Comforting - Offer light & peace

  • Sharing - Be present in joy & sorrow

  • Praising - Singing in harmony