Gathering Rest

Overview of weekend


  • Focus Scripture: Matthew 4:18-22

Introduction to the Symbolism: Christian community as a fishing net

  • Individual ropes are woven and knotted together to form the net

  • Routine maintenance and mending are necessary to keep the net in good condition

  • The net is created for the purpose of fishing


Focusing on self might seem like an unlikely place to begin a retreat about community, but it is an important first step. A net is only as strong as the ropes that comprise it.

What condition is your rope in these days?

I don’t have a whole lot of expertise with rope and fishing nets, being more of a fuzzy yarn girl myself. But I remember this one time when I was trying to crochet a hat and scarf set and realized that I was going to run out of yarn before completing the project. It was at that point that I noticed the way that the yarn was constructed, as two individual strands of yarn twisted together. And I had what seemed like a genius idea. I began to unwind the two strands. Those of you master crocheters out there already know what happened. When I attempted to manipulate the single stranded yarn, it simply pulled apart, leaving me with two frayed ends.

I think it’s a pretty good illustration of how many of us arrive at these retreats. While we are always stretched thin trying to meet the demands on our time and resources, to eke out these days for retreat we have to push even further into overdrive. Is it just me, or does anyone else feel worn and frazzled by the time they arrive? On the brink of fraying apart in the middle?

Opening Activity: Gathering Rest

In Matthew 4:18-22, we see two sets of brothers, Peter and Andrew and James and John. They were tough and capable fishermen within the community. They had ordinary lives and the responsibilities that go with them. And then Jesus invites them to become a part of His inner circle. In a sense, they become the rope with which Jesus creates His fishing net. But notice what it costs to accept Jesus’s invitation. To follow Jesus, these men leave behind their nets, boats, and father.

Honestly, we are uncomfortable with this part of the story. We would prefer to keeping adding more and more to our lives. Change is hard. And letting go is even harder.

But like the original disciples, Jesus’s invitation to come away on retreat requires us to leave some very important things behind for awhile. He invites us on a journey with Him into a new and spacious land. But the journey requires us to travel lightly.


Consider the following question, “Who am I?”

  • What roles do I fill (mother, daughter, employee, volunteer, etc.)?

  • What abilities or character qualities do I have?

  • What do I most need right now?


Go to Gathering Breakout to process these concerns, distractions, and needs