Small Group Breakout #1

Attendees will need their embroidery thread (from Gathering Breakout Session) & one piece of golden thread


  • Divide participants in half. One side stands and goes to pick a partner from the group that is still sitting.

  • Create a braided or knotted three-strand cord (bracelet) while discussing the following questions.

Discussion Questions:

  • Describe the original community God established in the Garden of Eden.

    • Who was there?

    • What were the relationships like there?

  • Describe the discipleship community that Jesus created.

    • Who was there?

    • What were the relationships like?

  • When have you experienced the love and support of community?

  • What needs or difficulties are you facing in your life right now?

  • How can the three-strand cord strengthen and comfort you?


Pray for each other, both now and throughout the weekend.

Wear your bracelet as a reminder that you are part of a strong three-strand cord and are never alone.