Devotional #1

“Mary has chosen what is best, and it will not be taken away from her.” - Luke 10:42b

God invites us into times of retreat, opportunities to step back from the normal routine of our lives in order to breathe more deeply.  

At its core, breathing is the exhalation of what we do not need, in order to make space for the inhalation of what we do.  Physically, we breathe out carbon dioxide in order to make space for oxygen.  Spiritually, we intentionally release the cares of life in order to create a vacancy for God. 

Retreat is an important spiritual practice because our day-to-day lives are incredibly busy.  As we struggle to meet the needs of the people around us and shoulder a crushing load of responsibilities, we can become over-full.  And our busyness can be a tricky and seductive thing, because our lives are usually filled with good things: family, friends, jobs, vacations, sports and music practices, and more.  With our schedules crammed full of people and causes that we care deeply about, it feels as if we cannot afford to take even a tiny step back without somehow falling behind.

But as we approach this weekend of retreat, we remember Jesus’s words to busy, bustling Martha: “Mary has chosen what is better...” We are reminded that ‘better’ can sometimes be found in stillness.

Questions to Consider

  • In what ways do you feel over-full these days?

  • What emptiness do you have that needs filled?

  • What is your part in the spiritual breathing process: releasing what you don’t need in order to make space for what you do?

Prayer: Lord, in Your mercy, we approach this retreat time with anticipation.  Though we come weary and breathless, we also come hopeful.  We trust that You will meet us on retreat; that Your loving presence will fill every part of the space that we clear for You.  Come, Lord Jesus.