Devotional #2

“By the word of the Lord, the heavens were made, their starry host by the breath of His mouth.” - Psalm 33:6

Take a few moments this morning to breathe in God’s creation.  Notice His fingerprints on the sky, His artistry on the landscape.  Soak in the sights and sounds around you.  Inhale the smells.  And allow them to remind you of God’s extravagant care.  

For in creation, God goes far beyond mere provision of necessities.  He fills His world with beauty and variety, intending for us to find enjoyment in what He has made.

And to think that it was all simply breathed into existence.  That, even now, God’s breath continues to expand and create on the edges of our universe.  And, if we will allow Him,  His breath continues to expand and create in each of our lives as well.

Questions to Consider

  • How have you experienced God’s extravagant care in your life?

  • How do you see God continuing to expand and create in your life?

Prayer: Lord, as we look around ourselves this morning, we are awestruck by your care for us.  Just as You have given careful attention to the smallest details of creation, we know that Your care extends to every part of our lives.  Help us to rest in Your care today.  Amen.