Week 2: Light & Warmth


Read Exodus 13:21-22

  • How did God lead the Israelites through the desert?

  • How would this have provided both guidance and comfort?

  • Do you feel more secure in God’s guidance or love?  Why do you think this is the case?



Read Exodus 14:5-31

  • How does God use the pillar of cloud against the Egyptians?

  • What conclusion do the Egyptians reach in vs. 25?

  • Do you have any experiences in which you have felt God fighting your battles for you?


Read Exodus 25:10-16; 31-40

  • Which item inside the Ark of the Covenant is a reminder of God’s guidance?

  • How is light incorporated in the design of the Tabernacle?

  • How is light incorporated into our modern worship?

Day 4

Read Psalm 23

  • What does this scripture say about God’s guidance?

  • What does this scripture say about God’s love?

  • What image do you find most comforting or encouraging?

Day 5

Read Isaiah 9:1-7

  • What does this scripture say about the light that God provides?

  • What does this scripture say about God’s love and protection?

  • How does Isaiah’s prophecy remind us of God’s intended kingdom?


Read Ezekiel 34:1-10

  • How have the shepherds failed to do their jobs?

  • If this message is being directed toward the government and religious leaders, how are they failing to provide guidance (light) and protection (warmth) to the people (sheep)?

  • Can you think of any application of this scripture to modern leaders?


Read Matthew 5:14-16

  • What does Jesus say to do with our light?

  • What are the problems with covering our light with a bowl?

  • Brightness and warmth travel out from the light source, do the people closest to you see God’s light and feel His warmth coming from you?