Week 2: Light & Warmth
Read Exodus 13:21-22
How did God lead the Israelites through the desert?
How would this have provided both guidance and comfort?
Do you feel more secure in God’s guidance or love? Why do you think this is the case?
Read Exodus 14:5-31
How does God use the pillar of cloud against the Egyptians?
What conclusion do the Egyptians reach in vs. 25?
Do you have any experiences in which you have felt God fighting your battles for you?
Read Exodus 25:10-16; 31-40
Which item inside the Ark of the Covenant is a reminder of God’s guidance?
How is light incorporated in the design of the Tabernacle?
How is light incorporated into our modern worship?
Day 4
Read Psalm 23
What does this scripture say about God’s guidance?
What does this scripture say about God’s love?
What image do you find most comforting or encouraging?
Day 5
Read Isaiah 9:1-7
What does this scripture say about the light that God provides?
What does this scripture say about God’s love and protection?
How does Isaiah’s prophecy remind us of God’s intended kingdom?
Read Ezekiel 34:1-10
How have the shepherds failed to do their jobs?
If this message is being directed toward the government and religious leaders, how are they failing to provide guidance (light) and protection (warmth) to the people (sheep)?
Can you think of any application of this scripture to modern leaders?
Read Matthew 5:14-16
What does Jesus say to do with our light?
What are the problems with covering our light with a bowl?
Brightness and warmth travel out from the light source, do the people closest to you see God’s light and feel His warmth coming from you?