Socratic Seminar #3
Jesus as the Bread of Life
Scripture Reading: John 6:1-35
Opening Question:
What part of this story stands out most to you?
Core Question 1:
What needs do we see in this scripture passage? And how does Jesus meet these needs?
Core Question 2:
Describe your experience of hunger or thirst or other deep need. (Physical, emotional, spiritual, etc.)
Core Question 3:
Consider the following quote:
“There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of each man which cannot be satisfied by any created thing but only by God the Creator, made know through Jesus Christ.”
- Blaise Pascal
What things do you see people turning to in order to fill a need or longing in their life? Why don’t these things satisfy?
Concluding Question:
What would it look like for us, as the church, to live as satisfied people?