Week 5: Extend The Invitation
“Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly beloved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.”
- Ephesians 5:1-2
Read Ephesians 5:1-7
According to these verses, what behaviors are improper for God’s people?
Which of these behaviors do you struggle with the most? Why?
What does walking in love mean to you?
Read Ephesians 5:8-14
What qualities does it say we should see in children of light (vs.9)?
What does it mean to you to live as children of light in your families, neighborhoods, workplaces?
Paul says it is not enough to simply avoid deeds of darkness, but we should also expose them. What current problems would fit into the category of things we should speak out against rather than simply avoid doing ourselves?
Read Ephesians 5:15-20
In his bookThe Best Question Ever, pastor Andy Stanley suggests that many of us have been asking the wrong questions. We ask, “Is there anything wrong with...” or “How close can I get to the line between right and wrong without actually doing something wrong?” But instead we should be asking what he calls the Best Question Ever: “What is the wise thing to do?”
He says, “As a pastor, I’ve heard more than my fair share of heart-breaking stories. Yet every bad decision I have ever heard about could have been avoided if someone had simply asked the Best Question Ever. Every single one. Adultery, addictions, unwanted pregnancies, bankruptcies, you name it. All could have been avoided with the proper application of the Best Question Ever.”
Then he goes on to direct, “Think back for a moment to your biggest regret. That event or chapter of your life you wish you could go back and undo or relive. What was the decision you wish you could reverse? The relationship you wish you could do over? Can you see how some or all of what you regret could have been avoided if you had asked and applied the Best Question Ever?”
Take a moment to reflect on how this applies to your life. What is one issue you are currently facing for which you could apply the “Best Question Ever?”
What is one practical adjustment you could make in your life in order to better follow the command to live wisely and make the most out of every opportunity?
Day 4
Read Ephesians 5:21-28
In verse 21, why does it say we should submit to one another?
To which partner do you think Paul gives the more difficult command, husbands or wives? Why?
How can this scripture be applied to your life today? What might God be asking for in your marriage or other relationships?
Day 5
Read Ephesians 5:29-33
How does Christ treat the church?
What impact does caring for others have on the church as a whole?
In what ways have you experienced Jesus feeding and caring for you or others, as part of His Body?
Reread Ephesians Chapter 5
Lingering questions? New insights?
Consider the following question posed by Ben Ortlip,
“We are all part of the supporting cast in an epic play. The major theme is God’s personal glory and the restoration of man to Himself. What part, then, might a restored one like yourself play in that effort?”
What do you see as your life’s work? Consider your service in these two areas:
Long-term roles such as spouse or parent, community leadership, volunteering, etc.
Specific, one-time tasks or projects?