Day 6

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who builds his house on the rock.” - Matthew 7:14

Scripture Reading: Matthew 7:24-29

I think we can all identify with the storm imagery Jesus uses in this passage.  Sometimes we face dangerous storms, when the rains pour down and the winds whip around us until we’re frazzled and fearful.  Other times we face gentle rains that become threatening because they last too long, causing our banks to overflow.

While we would like God to remove the storms from our lives altogether, instead He promises to be with us in them.

Regardless of the type of difficulty we are facing, Jesus’s promise holds true.  If we are built on rock, we will stand through any storm.  And we will never stand alone.

Thought for the Day: With Jesus as our Foundation, we are strong!